Monday 22 June 2015

Fwd: This Shabbat is particularly important (3rd of Tammuz)

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Date: Thu, Jun 18, 2015, 4:00 PM
Subject: This Shabbat is particularly important (3rd of Tammuz)
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Dear Friend,

This coming Shabbat, the 3rd of Tammuz—starting on Friday evening, June 19th—is the 21st yahrtzeit (anniversary of passing) of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory.

On the 21st yahrtzeit of his father-in-law, the Sixth Rebbe, the Rebbe spoke these words:

It's a mistake to think that my father-in-law's life ended 21 years ago—that now we are left only with the fruits of his efforts. Rather, his life continues, as the Talmud says about our father Jacob, "Just as his children are alive, so too he is alive."

The Rebbe then described his father-in-law as a person whose very being was his love, awe and faith in G-d. A life comprised of such spiritual energy can never die. It lives on, lighting up others with the same love, awe and faith, and empowering them to ignite that light in the hearts of others.

Twenty-one years after the Rebbe's own passing, these words ring truer than ever. In every part of the world, more and more men and women sent to represent the Rebbe are breathing spiritual life into their communities and into all around them. With the Rebbe's accessible guidance and continued blessings, any person who takes an active role in his or her community can do the same. Even those whose Jewish spark had all but extinguished find themselves re-ignited by the Rebbe's mitzvah campaigns and through his institutions worldwide.

Each of us can study the Rebbe's teachings and find our everyday lives filled with spiritual meaning. And that is where it all leads to: The Rebbe charges us all with the task of transforming our entire world, so that all of G-d's creation will sing with divine life.

And this is where each of us comes in to the picture: For this special day, we're providing customs for the yahrtzeit and a link to The's many essays and videos that communicate some of his message. Let's each take some time to ponder them. And then to ask ourselves, "What am I doing to make this world the world its Creator meant it to be? How can I be part of the Rebbe's vision to transform both my small world, and the great big world around me?"

The Rebbe often quoted Maimonides: Every deed counts. Every deed can tilt the scales for you and for the entire world.

And as the Rebbe said clearly, only eleven months before his fatal stroke, "I am handing it over to you. Do all you can to bring Moshiach now."


—your friends at

PS: This Thursday, at 8PM EDT, and JNet will host an online, interactive discussion of one of the Rebbe's classic works, discussing the intimate relationship between a people and their leader. Join us then for Shining Like Moses.


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