Monday 22 June 2015

Fwd: Never despair/shiur tonight

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From: Divrei Chizuk <>
Date: Thu, Jun 18, 2015, 2:53 PM
Subject: Never despair/shiur tonight
To: <>



Fortunate are those who come to Hashem at all times.

Especially when it seems as though they will never obtain what they want, and they feel like despairing.

say to Hashem

"Hashem I am not going to stop asking 

You for what I need, I believe, hope and trust in You''


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We will be having a shiur tonight at10pm est
Rav Yechezkel Klein 
"Desert Showdown"
call 605-475-3235 then dial 512839#
L'zechus Kol Kla Yisrael
Tell all your friends!!!
Please make a heartfelt donation
and send a child to camp this summer.
Please sponsor a child and make a difference in their life.
Tizku L'Mitzvos!
If you make out a check please write in memo ''camp fund''
Help us spread the word around and make a heartfelt donation. 
click here to make a donation and help us save yidden around the world. We would like to advertise this in news papers, magazines, billboards, magnets.

Divrei Chizuk | Hashem is here | Hashem is there | Hashem is truly everywhere | Jeruslem is home | The whole world! | 1-613 | Israel

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