Sunday, 2 September 2018

Re: 08/28/18...Fwd: (BN) Sears Shares Jump as Retailer Expands Amazon Tire Partnersh


this is one of my websites, this is how i blog

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please let me know if there is some business we could do together, this would be very great

NY Office: +16318874852

-----Original Message-----
From: Lakinda <>
To: rightbuy18 <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 28, 2018 4:57 pm
Subject: 08/28/18...Fwd: (BN) Sears Shares Jump as Retailer Expands Amazon Tire Partnersh


Look at the headline...Sears Shares Jump.
BUT look where they jumped from!!!
You have to be so astute when you are reading these articlse or you may get led down the garden path.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Lakin <>
To: Jacob David Yaffe ( <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 28, 2018 9:25 am
Subject: FW: (BN) Sears Shares Jump as Retailer Expands Amazon Tire Partnersh

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 8:47 AM
Subject: (BN) Sears Shares Jump as Retailer Expands Amazon Tire Partnersh

(BN) Sears Shares Jump as Retailer Expands Amazon Tire Partnersh

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Sears Shares Jump as Retailer Expands Amazon Tire Partnership
2018-08-28 12:42:53.775 GMT

By Jonathan Roeder
(Bloomberg) -- Sears Holdings Corp. is finding it's good
business to install the tires that customers purchase on rival Inc.
So the struggling retailer has expanded the program, first
announced in May, across the entire U.S. Under the agreement,
drivers can ship their replacement tires from Amazon directly to
Sears stores for installation and balancing.
Sears shares jumped as much as 34 percent to $1.49 on
Tuesday morning after the announcement the program had been
rolled out nationwide.
"The response from Amazon customers around this program has
been extremely positive," said Mike McCarthy, vice president and
general manager of Sears Automotive.
Related: Amazon Just Might Be Retail's New Secret Weapon
The partnership shows how some retailers that have been
battered by the Amazon-led rise of e-commerce are now seeking to
team up with their Seattle-based competitor. Kohl's Corp. allows
Amazon shoppers to return items at some of its stores -- a bid
to attract foot traffic to its own brick-and-mortar locations.

To contact the reporter on this story:
Jonathan Roeder in Chicago at
To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Anne Riley Moffat at


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