Monday, 30 July 2018

Fwd: Terror Strikes Toronto

interesting, but is it realistic at all?

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-----Original Message-----
From: Wealth Daily <>
To: rightbuy18 <>
Sent: Thu, Jul 26, 2018 4:08 pm
Subject: Terror Strikes Toronto

The most recent gun attack took place in Toronto, Canada, a location with far stricter gun laws than the U.S. and no Second Amendment-type legislation. So if this can happen even with gun laws in place, how do we stop it? Alex Koyfman presents a solution.
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Terror Strikes Toronto
Alex Koyfman PhotoBy Alex Koyfman
Written Jul. 26, 2018
Dear Reader,
On Sunday, July 22, 29-year-old Faisal Hussain, armed with a semiautomatic handgun, entered Danforth Avenue in Toronto's Greektown district and opened fire.
When the carnage was over, a 10-year-old girl and an 18-year-old woman were dead, and 13 others were injured. 
The third fatality, not counted among the casualties, was the gunman himself. 
This shooting was unlike most of the shootings we hear about these days in that it did not take place in the United States, but in its northern neighbor, Canada, a nation with far stricter gun regulations and nothing approaching a Second Amendment to act as protection for the rights of gun owners. 
The immediate response to this shooting was the same as it always is: a call for stricter gun laws. 
But the obvious question arises: In a nation where only 3% of households contain handguns (compared to nearly 20% in the U.S.) and only 16% of households contain firearms of any sort (compared to around 40% in the U.S.), what could further gun control initiatives possibly accomplish to stop attacks such as these?
The answer, to anybody who has studied the question with any level of depth, is: probably nothing. 
As the popular adage goes, take away all the legally owned guns, and the only guns will be left in the hands of criminals. 
This has proven true time and time again, even in countries where gun control has tightened the noose as far as it will go.
Ending Gun Violence While Keeping the Second Amendment Intact
Imagine a technology that could stop mass shootings without a shot being fired...
What was once science fiction is now real: An artificial intelligence-powered screening device that can scan entire crowds in seconds.
It can tell the difference between something like a pocket of coins and something dangerous, like a gun, bomb, or knife, without alerting the subject being scanned.
It almost never makes mistakes. And with every scan, it grows smarter and smarter and smarter...
This technology will change the face of security across the globe.
And the company behind it will soon be a household brand.
Gun Control Laws Only Control Public Outcry
Despite any efforts to completely clean the streets of firearm presence, there will always remain the potential for a terrorist attack such as this (ISIS has already claimed responsibility, even though the claim has yet to be independently confirmed).
So what do we do? What can we do to make the threat of mass violence in public places a thing of the past?
The problem with this question is that any of the legislative answers fail to take into account one of the most important factor that goes into planning terrorist attacks: terrorists, aside from being psychotic, are also notoriously inventive. 
Two prime examples of this inventiveness come from the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013, when the attackers used small improvised explosive devices constructed of common household items, and the much more destructive attack in Oklahoma City in 1995, where a massive explosive concealed within a box truck destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, killing 168 people in the process.
The latter event was the worst terrorist attack in American history up until the 9/11 attacks six years later and is still to this day the worst-ever terrorist attack by perpetrated by an American.
The key ingredient in both attacks was ammonium nitrate, a common fertilizer and a crucial component in legal, unregulated household items such as cold packs for the treatment of athletic injuries. 
Needless to say, no amount of gun control could have stopped these attacks from taking place... and yet they did take place, with horrible effect. 
So what do we do? Are we doomed to live with the threat of mass violence, no matter where we are, no matter how far we're willing to let the laws regulate our rights?
For the First Time Ever, We Can Defeat the Threat of Terrorism, Any Time, Any Place
The answer is no. We are not. 
Much to the chagrin of gun grabbers, the solution to this is not found in new regulations. 
It's found in technology — a technology that weeds out dangerous materials as they approach the location where they can be used to cause harm.
It would have to be a cutting-edge scanning technology, powered by artificial intelligence, with algorithms so refined that it doesn't just tell the difference between metal and non-metal or a gun from a pocketful of quarters, but can actually tell apart different gun types, right down to the brand and caliber. 
It would also have to work on non-metals, with the capability to pick out explosives and even neurotoxins and other weaponized chemicals. 
And it would do all of this from a distance, allowing it to scan entire areas in the blink of an eye, without the subjects in the scanning zone even being aware that they've just walked through the world's most effective weapons detector. 
Just imagine walking through airport security without having to stand in line, go through a body scanner, or place your belongings on a conveyor. 
With these systems in place, going from terminal to gate would consist of nothing more than strolling through a wide, low-traffic, unremarkable walkway.
Breaking: This Device Holds the Key to the Next Wave of Technological Breakthrough!
This tiny, cutting-edge company makes a component that could hand early investors a 10x, 15x, or even 30x return on their investment.
  • Facebook is investing in it to handle its $4.5 billion online advertising business.
  • Amazon just invested $775 million in it to help fill warehouse orders.
  • Apple just invested a staggering $10.5 billion in it to rapidly assemble iPhones and crank up its supply chain operations to maximum speed.
The opportunity this breakthrough technology presents could make you big, fat gains, giving you the chance to turn every $1,000 into $673,000. Click here for more.
Never Worry About Another Terrorist Attack
These devices, each about the size of a textbook, can be buried in walls, ceilings, floors, or installed in moving vehicles like buses and cabs. 
They can be put into use outdoors, creating safe zones that were simply inconceivable in the past. 
As you may have surmised by now, this technology isn't some abstract concept or idea just entering the research and development phase. 
The company behind it already has FCC approval to start installing these devices en masse in the United States and Canada. 
Just last month, it announced two major testing facilities — an American high school and university — where the devices will be put through their paces in real-life environments, all designed to refine the algorithms and make the systems even more effective. 
There really is no way to overstate just how important this technology is and how big of an impact it could have on the world of tomorrow. 
We could be safer, more secure, and not have to give up any constitutionally protected rights. 
I learned about this company some time ago and immediately set out to spread the word to as many people as I could.
The result was this presentation, which details how it works and the company that owns it. 
Fortune favors the bold,
alex koyfman Signature
Alex Koyfman
Coming to us from an already impressive career as an independent trader and private investor, Alex's specialty is in the often misunderstood but highly profitable development-stage microcap sector. Focusing on young, aggressive, innovative biotech and technology firms from the U.S. and Canada, Alex has built a track record most Wall Street hedge funders would envy. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Wealth Daily. To learn more about Alex, click here.
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