Monday 28 August 2017

The change manager


If you regularly read this page, you will have already noticed that I am not Gloria Cilliers. If you have attended our annual Top Broker Summit or seen me at industry events, you also know that I am not our editor—I’m our publisher. As publisher, I direct the business of putting the actual magazine together; I manage editorial, sales and the support staff to keep the engine running smoothly.

Like many companies, we’re going through some changes right now. Gloria has moved on to pursue another opportunity. Our new editor will start in a couple of weeks. Our next issue will feature both a new face and a new perspective. As he begins the process of meeting people in the industry and learning the issues, I would ask that you welcome him the same way you welcomed me four years ago, when I came on as publisher.

In the meantime, I have been tasked with writing my first ever editorial. My husband and I both work in the insurance industry—I am on the media side and he is on the insurer side—so I have had the opportunity to observe the issues affecting the industry from a number of different perspectives.

But, rather than use this editorial to discuss any of the usual hot topics such as cybercrime, retaining talent or even the new devastation facing those affected by the B.C. wildfires, I have decided to reflect on change. In my personal life, I don’t respond well to change. But, in my work life, I have no control over change. It happens, and I can either crumble and fall apart or see it as a new learning opportunity and embrace it. Canadian Insurance Top Broker was acquired from Rogers Media by TC Media in December. I spent 13 years at Rogers, where I knew everything about the company and those who ran it. In December, I suddenly had a new employer and a significant increase in responsibilities, including the job of leading a new team through a migration along an unknown path. We made our way through our 100-day integration, and then the real work began. And just when I thought we were on our way once again, new curve-balls hit me and I had to begin refilling roles as staff turned over. But my challenges are no different than any business in any industry, and, like the insurance industry, the media industry has changed significantly over the years. I have been lucky to have amazing mentors along the way, and a team who is not only capable of keeping things moving without me but feels empowered to do so.

My biggest learning experience from the past year has been to embrace change. Don’t be afraid of it. Run with it and see where it takes you. I didn’t think I would ever be writing the editorial for a P&C insurance magazine, but, hey, you never know where the current will take you. You can either sink or swim. Luckily, I’m a pretty good swimmer.

Copyright © 2017 Transcontinental Media G.P. This article first appeared in the August 2017 edition of Canadian Insurance Top Broker magazine

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