Thursday 1 September 2016

Fwd: Make Mexico Great Again Also


Date: September 01, 2016 at 01:44PM

Hats don't lie. August 31, 2016 MAKE MEXICO GREAT AGAIN ALSO The Real Donald Trump stood up last night without anyone even saying please. Right after their impromptu meeting yesterday, Donald Trump and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto held a somewhat ~tense~ press conference during which Peña Nieto fact checked Trump while standing right next to him. Nevertheless, many seemed ready to say that a more "presidential" Trump made the trip to Mexico. But those stories did not age well. Turns out there is no Tale Of Two Trumps, there is only one Donald Trump and he showed up just hours later to lay out his immigration speech in Phoenix. After Rudy Guiliani, debuted the newest Trump campaign slogan, Trump took the stage and promised to do something "a little bit different" by offering a "detailed policy address on one of the greatest challenges facing our country." Shockingly, the speech wasn't "a little bit different." It was full of Trump's signature fear mongering and sounded more like a restrictionist wish list than a serious policy plan. He doubled down on his trademarked mass deportation plan and calls to deport DREAMers and keep refugees out. And, of course, he quadrupled down on his claim that Mexico will pay for the U.S-Mexico border wall—something that apparently did not get brought up in Peña Nieto and Trump's earlier tête-à-tête. Peña Nieto, for his part, cleared up that Mexico still is not going to pay for the wall. Can't get enough? Here's a helpful recap of the speech. One more time for everyone in the back. This morning, Trump spoke at the American Legion conference. The speech was supposed to detail how he would keep America—and specifically American veterans—safe. Instead, he took the opportunity to reiterate most of his key points from last night's speech in case anyone wasn't listening before. In his ~17 minute speech today only eight sentences were about veterans. But here's what he's said about the military on the campaign trail. WHAT'S TRENDING Real fans. Former KKK Grand Wizard and current Senate candidate David Duke is one of Trump's. He liked last night's speech, which shouldn't be surprising given how similar Trump and Duke's rhetoric on immigration is. Think you can tell the difference between them? Take our quiz. It's not just us. Think the U.S. is alone when it comes to the sharply populist, xenophobic, and far-right movement that Donald Trump is leading this election season? Think again. A new report released today details a growing trend (cough, Brexit, cough) of sharply populist and anti-establishment, "us v. them" political movements gaining traction across other Western democracies such as France, Austria, Germany, and the U.K. Luckily, there are ways progressives around the world can work together to counter these trends and bring people together. You can learn more here. It's always sunny. In more than just Philadelphia when POTUS is in charge! (Well, mostly…) According to new data recently released by Gallup, Americans by and large feel that the state of their lives has markedly improved over the course of President Obama's presidency. What's more, Gallup says that "the percentages of U.S. whites, blacks, Hispanics and Asians who are thriving have all increased during the Obama era." This stands in sharp contrast to Trump's recent appeal to African American voters: it looks increasingly like many voters stand a lot to lose under a Trump presidency, including the notable progress in civil rights, employment, income, and education that we've made under Obama's leadership. Speaking of Philadelphia. Live in the area? Join us for our upcoming event on giving working families a fair shot in 2016. Katie McGinty will be there. Cecile Richards will be there. Neera Tanden will be there. Everyone will be there. And you could be too! RSVP here. "The cupboard is bare." A direct quote from the Director of the Center for Disease Control to reporters yesterday, just hours before 3 more people were reported to have contracted the Zika virus in Florida. Long story short, the CDC is running out of money to fight Zika and needs Congress to act. But Republicans in Congress are dragging their feet. We're hoping Congress will finally approve the billions in emergency funding (which President Obama requested back in February) once they're back in session from a seven-week vacation on Tuesday. But only time will tell. Progress at the polls. Yesterday, the Supreme Court was able to make some progress by saying no thanks to reinstating North Carolina's voter ID law—even though they've had an empty seat for 169 days and counting (cough cough #DoYourJob, Senate). The decision, which will also allow for 17 days of early voting, has been ruled a big victory by advocates, as North Carolina's 2013 law disproportionately hurt people of color, people in poverty, and elderly voters. Alternate reality. We write all the time about the grim reality of climate change—record-breaking temperatures, an increase in catastrophic natural disasters like the floods in Louisiana, the negative effects on public health, etc. And yet, Republicans appear to live in an alternate reality as they still deny climate change is happening, with their presidential candidate Donald Trump calling climate change a hoax. We're not the only ones who are fed up, late night comics are too. Erase the pain with some humor and check out Seth Meyer's takedown of Trump and his climate beliefs. 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