Monday 22 June 2015

Fwd: Hurtful stereotype

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From: Chad G. via <>
Date: Sun, Jun 21, 2015, 10:59 AM
Subject: Hurtful stereotype
To: <>

Phil – There's a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it.

Cette pétition prend de l'ampleur sur, souhaitez-vous la signer? Elle demande à ligne de vêtements Vans de s'excuser et de cesser de vendre des t-shirts sur lesquels est dessiné un totem fait de canettes de bière, car cela fait la promotion d'un stéréotype blessant pour les peuples autochtones du Canada, qui ont vécu pendant des siècles sans alcool avant l'arrivée des colons.

Vans Shoe Manufacturing Company: Drunken Indian is not acceptable image to be portraying on your clothing. We want you to discontinue your beer can totem pole t-shirt and make a formal apology for your racist clothing item.

chad girardin
Vancouver, British Columbia

Drunken Indian is a stereotype that started a long time ago in the early colonization days of North America. When european fur traders first came to this land they started trading the Natives (Not Indians) whiskey for furs. This was a cheap and easy trade to do. After awhile the Natives were reliant on the alcohol. Once the Natives were reliant on the foreign substance it was easy to control them and make cheap trades. This was not difficult since there was no alcohol before the settlers first arrived.

Unfortunately, there are still many people out there that support this type of polite racism by claiming ignorance. Many people use imagery in films, adds and even clothing to continue this type of cultural appropriation and racist attacks. The Vans clothing line have stooped to a disgraceful low and have created a shirt with a totem pole made out of beer cans. This imagery is uncalled for and very hurtful. By creating this shirt Vans is stating that Natives culture revolves around alcohol and that all 'Indians" are drunks. It was once said that "the only good Indian is a dead Indian". Thankfully Vans have not come out with a shirt that has a party revolving around a dead Native with a feather in their braid with a party around them. Although, the beer can totem pole is not too far off.

I hope that you all help and boycott Vans forever for committing such a racist act on Natives who have gone through so much. Since the last residential school closed in 1996 people believe that colonization is something of the past. This is a complete fallacy as we see today with images like this. Please sign and share this petition in support of equality and the end of racism through non-violent acts such as petitions. 

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